Are you interested in helping with ParkLands Annual fund campaign? 
Maybe you have some questions....? 
1. What is an annual fund? An annual fund consists of donations that help ParkLands 
carry out our mission. This includes expenses such as our staff salaries (we strive to
pay living wages to our dedicated employees), program expenses, equipment maintenance,
or materials for our volunteers. 
2. What do you mean by program expenses? Our main "program" at ParkLands is to
maintain and restore our properties. This includes seasonal prescribed burns, invasive
plant removal, and native plantings. Land restoration is expensive! Just imagine what
you would pay a landscaper and apply that amount to cover 3600+ acres. That is what
we are tasked with each and every year. We also have secondary programs that concentrate
on public outreach. These include guided hikes (which are fairly inexpensive to provide) all
the way to our larger public programs such as our Mudpuppy event in 2019. We are fortuntate
that we have so many volunteers to keep our costs down on these events but they still occur at
a cost to the organization.  
3. I'm already a member of ParkLands. Isn't that enough? We certainly appreciate all of our
members and intend to keep growing our member base. Our membership dues do not sustain
our organization and we would ask if you are able to donate more please do so to keep us growing
and going strong for another 50+ years. 
Thanks for reading! If you would like to donate click here 
If you have any questions please email Erin Herbez: